I had heard one person commented that men find their confidence by the number of women they have persuaded to say "yes" to a relationship while women find their confidence by the number of men they have turned down with a strong "no".
Though that's not entirely true, I had seen the painful bruise and injuries it inflicted to those who had taken love and relationship carelessly. In fact I had my own share of pain and failures in my past relationships.
However, I'm amazed on how the Lord spared me from the danger of my own endeavor. I thought I was strong enough to stand for what is right and to treat women right. I thought I was man enough to know how to love and to receive love. I thought I was wise enough to decide for the right time and the right one. But I realized that I was too proud to admit that I was not ready. I felt too good to be corrected until He took away what I had invested and made my heart restless.
I came to the Lord empty-handed. I felt my life was pounded. I had nothing left for me to be still proud of. I had nothing to offer Him than a heart that's surrendered. Oh what good it was to hear that that's all He ever wanted. He quietly wanted me to leave a totally surrendered life specifically in the aspect of love and relationship.
The new seeds of trust for God and for myself had started to grow. All I ever wanted was to keep it grow. All I ever desired was to be satisfied with His love. In fact, I had come to the point that I was willing to stay single if God wanted me to be. Nevertheless I had great confidence that He will be the one to work out things for me and to bring the best and right woman for me.
Thankfully, God did honor my confidence in Him. He graciously gifted me with an inside and out beautiful woman, who loves me in return. We both had seen the traces of God's hands in bringing us together and we believe that we will continue to see His hands moving for us to be together forever. We both can testify too how the Lord would greatly reward those who live their lives in total surrender to our perfect Matchmaker.
If you want to boost your confidence level, remember that you can't get it from a any woman or any man. if you attempt to get it from them , you might regret how sad your love story may end. There's only one who can make your life better, there's only one who can make your heart happier, there's only one who can make your paths clearer to a relationship that's purer, lovelier and life-booster. He is our perfect matchmaker! Come now to Him in total surrender.
i agree.....
Being CARELESS in having relationshipS with a woman or a man may lead u into a painful & traumatic experience...if we try 2 seek for substitute 2 fill in the emptiness dat we long for,to peopLe...we m8k a WRONG move...IT IS ONLY GOD CAN SATISFY OUR LONGING...LET'S FIX OUR EYES ON JESUS...
no comments..wehehehe..
shout! na lng..
It’s true that God is our best matchmaker. On our own we strive but never get things quite right. It’s hard to surrender. I’ll never forget that morning on the mountain, surrounded by the vibrant colours of autumn. I thought I had ruined everything, but God whispered the promise, “do you think you can thwart my plan? I have something for you that you would not believe!” God became the great orchestrator, granting me the desires of my heart, but FIRST I had to get to the point of delighting in Him (Ps 37:4) and seeking Him first (Matt 6:33).
Knowing that God gives perfect timing and matching, it's nice to do praying and waiting while having friendship. Remember, it takes time and space for lovers to fully understand and discern God's revelation. So while having friendship, makes sure to put limitation on everything... May the Lord God reveals to us our perfect match... hehehe
indeed i agree..
only GOd and God alone is our perfect match maker...excited nko sa iyang imatch sa ako which will also corresponds with perfect timing and perfect place that GOd will allow to happen soon as i journey my GOd-given life...hehehe
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